Summer has just ended, and Thanksgiving break is approaching. How can you prepare your body to adjust from your late sleep schedule to your early morning wake up routine without feeling drained, drowsy, or upset.
How to Keep a Healthy Schedule.
- Try to wake up and go to sleep around the same time daily- Do not have more than a 2 hour bedtime-wakeup difference each night.
- Avoid Caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the body, and can make it harder to sleep and relax.
- Staying off of electronics! Your device can be addicting, and overuse not only harms your brain, but artificially stimulates daytime, interfering with your circadian rhythm (your internal clock).
- Take a deep breath, and relax. If you are one of the many that struggle with sleep anxiety, or if you are simply stressed, taking a breather and getting more sleep can actually help you deal with the stress. If this is a problem you face then you can check out the “New Year, New Stress” article on our page.
Benefits of a Healthy Sleep Schedule.
- Sickness is less frequent.
- Lowers risk of serious health problems.
- Reduces Stress.
- Think more clearly.
- Increases better decision making.
How to Make Your Sleep Schedule.
- First you’re going to need to understand your circadian rhythm.
- Choose a good time to eat dinner. If it is too late, it can mess up your sleep routine. Try to keep a 3 hour gap between bedtime and dinner.
- Make sure you will be getting 8 or more hours of sleep. For example,10:00 PM-6:30 A.M.
- Find ways to deal with your stress or anxiety to help with better rest.
Although making a sleep schedule is not easy, it is important for quality sleep to become a daily thing. The correct sleep schedule can improve your mental and physical health, as well as helping you to become a more organized and healthy human being. Although there will be times these patterns may be broken, it does not mean you need to break your sleep schedule, just remember consistency is key! Thank you so much for reading, be sure to leave a comment on what you think!
Articles information was drawn from.
Vorvick, Linda. “Changing Your Sleep Habits: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.”, 12 May 2022,
“5 Ideas for Better Sleep (for Teens) – Nemours KidsHealth.”,
MyHealthfinder |”, May 2024,
Here’s a video to give you some tips, and tricks about your sleep.
Children’s National Hospital. “Make a Sleep Routine.” YouTube, 9 Sept. 2021, Accessed 29 Oct. 2024.