Every new school year brings on a lot of stress.There is a huge workload and you have to meet new people. So how do you manage your time and stress throughout this following school year?
Choose your priorities
An important part of stress management is choosing your priorities.Since you have multiple classes you can determine your priorities by which assignments are due first or which ones are the hardest or easiest. If you play any sports or do any after school activities, this tactic to stress management is extremely helpful. You can choose the most important assignments and be able to do your activity and make it all mesh together and work.
Accept the Things you Can’t Change
Another thing that can help with stress of any kind is accepting the things that you can’t change and focusing on the things you can. If you get a bad grade on a test or a quiz don’t stress about it, focus on studying for the next one. Another example is if someone is mean to you and you are wondering if you did something wrong? Instead of stressing about it, ask why they are mad, figure out what happened and fix it by talking about the problem.
Breath, Focus, and remember you are Awesome
If you are nervous about talking to new people, then these techniques might be a great way to help you! When you are talking to a new person, breathe, focus on what they are saying, and remember that they will like the awesome you no matter what!
Sleep, Exercise, and Eat Balanced Meals
Sleep, exercise, and balanced meals are many key factors in stress management. If you are stressed and don’t know why it might be because of your sleep schedule,you aren’t being active enough, or are eating too much or too little food! So remember that most children should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night, exercise for one hour each day, and most teenagers should be eating 2,200 to 3,200 calories per day and drinking 58-64 ounces of water per day.
These are many stress management techniques that might help you be less stressed in the first few months of school.Ethier From being disorganized or being nervous to talk to new people. Try these techniques to help. Just remember that there is nothing to be scared of and that this is going to be a good school year.