Go Back in Time for Ancient Days- Including Dig It!
June 1, 2023
Get your togas out and get ready to party because Ancient Day is just around the corner! Ancient Day is the 6th grade’s end-of-the-year activity. Of course, 8th graders go to Knotts and 7th graders go to Mulligans, but Ancient Day is a special day where 6th graders do fun crafts and activities to pull us back in time and to experience ancient times as if we were in a civilization! If you are a 7th or 8th grader that did choir, you will definitely remember this next thing… Dig It!

Dig it!
Dig It is a special musical put together by the 5th and 6th period beginning choir. It is based on factual events and characters from Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, and plenty more ancient places you have learned about in your history class. The 3 main characters are Taki, Tut, and Lucy. Even though it is true, the way the choir put it together makes it super fun and enjoyable to watch. Here are some interviews with stars!

Interviews with Stars:
Who were you in Dig It?
King Zoser (Sadie Mcdowel)
Lucy (Emily Gosa)
Gilgamesh (Caitlyn Wright)
Wolf (Mia Holmes)
Roman #2 (Noemie Rasmussen)
Tut (Giuliana Deis)
Greek Soloist (Bentley)
What was your favorite part of Dig It?
The dances (Sadie Mcdowel)
The toga party scene (Emily Gosa)
The dances and songs are great (Caitlyn Wright)
Getting to be in a musical (Mia Holmes)
Performing with my friends (Noemie Rasmussen)
Acting with my friends (Giuliana Deis)
“Here’s to the Future” solo (Bentley S)

But what else is happening on ancient day? Before the play, the 6th graders will rotate around 3 classes and do a bunch of fun activities and crafts! Some rotations are going to be: Mancala, would you rather, origami, chopsticks, spartan battle ball, and a Socratic seminar with Mr. Molstre. You will surely have a bunch of fun!
Ancient day is a great tradition at TMS and many students look forward to it throughout the year. Have you already had ancient days? What was your favorite part of it? Leave a comment!