TMS PRESS : Where The Magic Happens

Michaela Salciccia, Writer


TMS Press is where you can find articles like TMS Scavenger Hunt or The Truth Behind Child Abuse, and enjoy every word written by one of our excellent writers. From typing for days to adding images, we try to ensure all our readers enjoy our articles!








Interviews from our staff:

What is your favorite article that you have read?

“I like the article, End of the World: Maybe?” (Elizabeth Medina 6th Grade)

“I enjoyed the article, Monthly Zodiac-What’s your book genre” (Olivia Huffmire 7th Grade)

“I enjoyed reading the article, Grit, Grace, Glow, and Catastrophe” (Reece Malan 8th Grade)

What kind of articles do you like to write?

“I usually write garden types of articles”(Elizabeth Medina 6th grade)

“I like writing TMS news articles”(Olivia Huffmire)

“I mostly write fun zone and culture articles”(Reece Malan)

What do you do inside the club besides writing?

“We do interviews, find pictures, and talk a LOT” (Elizabeth Medina)

“We usually come up with ideas and we work on scavenger hunts”(Olivia Huffmire 7th grade)

“We make posters and advertise the newspaper” (Reece Malan 8th grade)

What is the funnest moment you’ve experienced with the club?

“My funnest moment was when I went to Mr. Carbajal’s classroom and Giuliana dropped her pencil while opening the door, then we ran away”(Elizabeth Medina 6th grade)

“I like doing articles together and making up puns for the titles”(Olivia Huffmire 7th grade)

“I like the parties we have after an edition and the relief once the newspaper is out”(Reece Malan 8th grade)

How do you join the club? 

“You can email Mrs. Kruger or ask for an application form that you fill out”(All)










All of our staff have so much fun writing the articles. From 6th to 8th, anyone is allowed, while our fantastic teacher Mrs. Kruger guides us through everything. Inside the club we write, make posters, have parties, and so much more. With so many different ideas our club has, we appreciate all comments and likes added to them. TMS Press + Articles = Amazing!

Even though we make many exciting articles, it’s hard work, but in the end, it’s worth it because of how much fun we have. From the carnival to the trip to Disneyland, there isn’t a bad thing about this club! Comment below what your favorite article is!!!