Why Canvas?

Giuliana V. Deis

Canvas is the site that we use almost every day for school. Nearly every teacher uses it! Although you may not be very fond of it because its used for things like tests and homework, its something that is necessary for school. So why Canvas?

Instructure (the company behind Canvas) was founded by two graduate students, Brian Whitmer and Devlin Dayley in 2008.  Canvas was finally released in 2011. It was designed to be “really, really different” says Jared Stein who is the Vice President of higher education strategy for Instructure. Although we just started using Canvas over the past couple of years, Canvas has actually been around for a while. 


What do our teachers think about Canvas?

Is it Easy to use Canvas?

Yes (Mr Molstre)

Now it is (Mr.Carbajal) 

Getting easier (Mrs.Sarkis)

Most of the time (Mrs.Easterbrook)

Yes (Mrs.Calverley)

How long have you used Canvas?

Three years (Mr Molstre)

Since the pandemic (Mr.Carbajal)

Two years ( Mrs.Sarkis)

Three years (Mrs.Calverley)

This is my third year (Mrs.Easterbrook)

How many times do you use Canvas per week?

Two times (Mr Molstre)

Every day(Mr.Carbajal) 

Ten times (Mrs.Sarkis)

Every day (Mrs.Calverley)

What do you like about using Canvas?

“I like the comments tool.” (Mrs.Calverley)

“I can leave things unpublished and publish them later” (Mrs.Sarkis)

“I can keep things for every year” (Mrs.Easterbrook”

“Its a good format to inform students to inform them what they missed.”(Mr.Molstre)

“I like that canvas gives us the ability to put everything in one spot.” (Mr.Carbajal)


27 out of 30 Students use Canvas daily in Mr. Molstre’s 6th Grade PRIDE class

27 out of 27 Students use Canvas daily in Mr.Carbajal’s  6th Grade PRIDE class

 20 out of  20 Students use Canvas daily in Mrs.Sarkis’ 7th Grade PRIDE class

17 out of 27 students use canvas daily in Mrs. Easterbrook’s 6th Grade PRIDE class

16 students use Canvas daily in Mrs. Calverley’s 7th Grade PRIDE class

Do you like Canvas? Is it easy to use? Leave a comment!