Halloween was Not Always a Treat


Halloween’s origins are different from how the other holidays started. It is probably the most interesting and spooky out of all of the holidays. 

Halloween’s origins go back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain about 2,000 years ago, mostly living in modern-day Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Northern France. 

For the Celtic, Halloween marked the end of summer and harvest while also the beginning of a dark, cold winter of death. On October 31, the Celtic’s believed that a ghost spirit would come to Earth. To honor the event, Druids assembled massive bonfires to burn crops and animals as sacrifices.

On a day in October, the Romans would honor their goddess Pomona, the goddess of fruits and trees. To honor her, they did bobbing for apples, a modern  Halloween activity. 

In the 9th century, Christianity had spread into Celtic lands and began to blend into the old Celtic ceremonies. In 1000 A.D., the Churches made November 2 All souls’ day. All Souls’ day was celebrated with bonfires, parades, and dressing up as Saints, Angels, and Devils. The day before all souls day, a traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion was called All-Hallows Eve and later called Halloween. 

When the 13 colonies were introduced to Halloween by England.  It Was most popular in Maryland and southern states. The Americans thought of a new version of Halloween. Neighbors would tell stories to each other about the dead. In the second half of the 19th century, many immigrants from Ireland to America helped make Halloween popular. 

These days, ghosts are described as spooky and haunting, but back when the Celtics were around, they put out food on doorsteps, lit candles, and decorated tables. Also, we try to stay away from contact with black cats, but in the Middle Ages, they believed that witches turned themselves into black cats. 

For the trick-or-treaters out there in the world, people didn’t dress up until a few centuries ago.


Fun “Did you know” facts about Halloween

  • One-fourth of all the candy sold yearly is purchased in the United States is for Halloween.
  • More and more people, especially younger people are buying costumes for their pets. 

