As the clock strikes midnight everyone has goals of what they want to accomplish this new year. Some vary from exercising more to spending time with family and friends. Many people lose that new year’s spark and don’t complete their resolutions. Are there tactics that can help you complete your goals this year? What are TMS’s new year’s resolutions?
What were TMS’s New Year’s Resolutions
Mrs. Newman’s: 6th grade
Paloma Bayton: “To get better grades.”
Julia Vasoncelos: “To get better grades.”
Samantha Gonzalez:” To get better grades.”
Mr. Molstre: 6th grade
Daleen Erakat: “To get Bobcat Elite.”
Lexi Guerrero: “To get better grades.”
Adrina Gonzalez: “To get a cow.”
Mr Guzman: 6th Grade
Logan Villa: “To get straight A’s.”
Kelsey Allred: “To get better at math.”
Charlie Johnson: “To eat more food.”
Mrs Gray’s. : 7th Grade Pride Class
Valeria Meza : “To eat healthier and gain muscle.”
Emily Clark: “To get on the Honor Roll.”
Parsa Fariedian: “ To teach his birds more tricks.”
Charlotte Jacobs : “ To do a backflip.”
Mrs. Kocaya’s: 7th Grade Pride Class
Razan Alshabeed: “Get good grades.”
Luca Espey: “To not drink soda.”
Alexia Root: “To have a happy year.”
Reagan Collins: “To have less screen time.”
Mr. Adras’s : 8th Grade Pride Class
Charley Wilson: “To stop procrastinating.”
Ava Fillppelli: “To get good grades.”
Ryder Rhoades: “To get better grades.”
Mrs. Jenkins: 7th and 8th Grade Pride Class
Avery Tompot : “To do a backflip.”
Wyatt Vaugh: “To run 3 miles every Monday run-day/”
Veronica Morrison: “To get good grades.”
Ryla Brown: “To make it through the year.”
These are all great New Year’s Resolutions, but will they be able to sustain them? There are many tactics that you can follow to successfully complete your New Year’s resolutions. Do you wonder about which ones might work for you?
Make Realistic Goals, Break Them Down, Make a Plan of How to Complete them, and Be Accountable Your Goals won’t Just be Achieved Without Effort
One way many people don’t complete their resolutions is that they overshoot their goals. It is great to have big goals, but that shouldn’t be your starting objective. Your starting target should be smaller and once you accomplish that, it will give you confidence to keep going. Also, break down your goals and plan how you think you’ll complete them. Say your goal is to be able to run a sub eight minute mile and you currently have an eleven minute mile. Break down on how long you think it will take you to complete this goal and what you will have to do to attain it. Then make a plan or a schedule of when you will work towards this goal. And work slowly toward your goals; progress comes with time. Don’t just jump straight to an eight minute mile. Start working towards a 10:30 or 10 minute mile and slowly work your way down while continuously training and you’ll eventually get to your goal. Hold yourself accountable. Tell yourself to fulfill your training towards your goal each day. And if you don’t do it (unless it’s a rest day) double it the next day. Your goals won’t be achieved unless you put in the effort.
Remember Change Comes With Time; Be Positive and Don’t Beat Yourself Up
Another reason people don’t complete their New Year’s resolutions is because they don’t see progress right away. But to see any progress you have to consistently put in the work. So be positive; focus on the high notes, keep at it and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t see progress right away. Say your goal is to be able to lift 25 pounds and at first you can only lift 12. Well after a week of training, say you can lift 13 pounds. Don’t say “Oh man! I can only lift 13 pounds, get upset, and forget about your goal . Focus on the positive and say I can lift 1 more pound than last week! And be happy and optimistic so that you will continue to be able to lift more and more weight until you get to your goal.
These are all amazing resolutions. And this year is going to be a great year! Do you have any resolutions? Are you going to use any of these tactics to complete your resolutions? Comment below!