Mcdonald’s and In-N-Out: The Battle of the Burgers

 In-N-Out and McDonald’s are some of the most popular fast-food restaurants in California. With Mcdonald’s topping out at #1 on California’s most popular fast-food chain and In-N-Out topping out at #3 on the list, these two restaurants are definitely huge competitors. Let’s take a look to see how they got to be on top. 


The History of McDonald’s


McDonald’s began in San Bernardino, California in 1955. A man named Ray Kroc was a salesman who sold Multi Mixers. A Multi Mixer is a different kind of blender with multiple spindles to make milkshakes. The McDonald’s brothers had just purchased several of these machines and Kroc decided to go to the brother’s restaurant to see why they bought these machines. When Kroc arrived, he was shocked at what he saw. He had found himself a small, but successful hamburger restaurant. Kroc was amazed at how the restaurant was run. The Mcdonald’s brothers were looking for a new franchising manager and Ray jumped at the opportunity. The same year, Ray had founded Mcdonald’s System Inc. Only six years later, Kroc had bought all rights to the Mcdonald’s name and brand. He is credited with the global expansion of Mcdonald’s. You can see a better view of Ray Kroc’s story on Amazon Prime Video in the documentary movie called The Founder. It’s rated PG-13 so, please ask your parents’ permission before watching it. Without Kroc, Mcdonald’s would not be the restaurant it is today.



The History of In-N-Out


 In 1948 a man named Harry Snyder was standing in front of a small hamburger stand in Francisquito and Garvey in Baldwin Park selling hamburgers. Meanwhile, his wife Esther was taking care of all of the accounting for the new restaurant at their home right around the corner of the stand. Working in his garage at night after long days of cooking burgers, Harry makes his vision of letting guests order and receive their meals without leaving their cars. The introduction of his two-way speaker box lets In-N-Out offer true drive-thru service worthy of its name. The iconic In-N-Out arrow makes its first appearance, replacing the original “No Delay” sign. Inspired by their new logo, In-N-Out Associates took the sayings, “The arrow points to pride” and “We all work under the same arrow.”  One of founders Harry Snyder’s favorite movies, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, features characters racing to find treasure buried under four palm trees planted to resemble the letter W. Because each In-N-Out store is Harry’s treasure, a tradition of planting crossed palm trees in front of most In-N-Out locations begins. Milkshakes were added in 1975. Also in 1990 they did a FEED THE HOMELESS program and raised more than 12,000 to help the homeless. So in conclusion In-N-Out would not be the same without Harry Snyders amazing accomplishments 


PROS AND CONS: McDonald’s 



McDonald’s has over 34,000 restaurants across 119 countries. Consider that the company is the destination for 69 million customers per day. A key to growth has been the franchise model, which means McDonald’s has lower costs. In fact, about 80% of the restaurants are  some type of franchise system  



Even though McDonald’s has made some attempts to improve the nutrition of its menu, it still remains that it is still full of calories. This is certainly a big problem but there is a push towards healthier foods. Then, there are concerns about the overall food supply for fast-food operators. In China, there have been reports of chickens getting too many antibiotics and then there was the case of horsemeat in Europe. 






   In and Out has high pay for a restaurant. They treat their customers and employees like family. This idea draws employees and customers. Unlike other companies, who strive to expand as quickly as possible, this fast-food chain works to keep great food and service for its customers also there is a secret menu at In-N-Out and on it, they have things like protein-style burgers, 4X4, flying dutchman, scooby snacks, mustard grilled patty, medium-rare & well done, extra salt, and also animal fries. 




In-N-Out does not mean healthy food.  Things like fat and sodium are the biggest concerns, and a double burger with cheese are about 650 calories.  Adding fries to your meal will add about 800 calories. Another con is that In-N-Out menu prices like the Double-Double Burger are $3.45 the Cheeseburger is $2.40 and the Hamburger is $2.10 and the French Fries are $1.60. That may not seem like a lot but I have a family of five and altogether it cost about $30 for food for 4 burgers, a double-double, a cheeseburger, and five sets of fries. That is a hefty amount of money for dinner.

In and out and Mcdonald’s are both great restaurants that are adored by almost everyone who goes there. 

What is your pick?  Write in the comments below and tells us your favorite.