What is ASB? An interview with Mrs.Cardinale

Isabelle Marx

Interested in ASB? Now here is your chance to find out more about ASB from Mrs. Cardinale hereself.


What is ASB? 

¨ASB is a way to create a positive school culture.¨


What does ASB stand for? 

¨ASB stands for Associated Student Body.¨


Why did you want to be ASB director?

 ¨In  Middle School and High School, I was in ASB and loved it.¨


How long has ASB been around at TMS?

¨I don´t know. Probably as long as TMS has been around.¨


Why should students join ASB? 

¨They should join if they enjoy working with others and have creative ideas to get students involved. ¨


What does ASB do for TMS? 

¨ASB has done the hoe-down and brought kids together.¨


If ASB raises enough money with extra money, will it give some money to the band and choir? 

¨No, because they do their own fundraisers and the money is for all the students.¨


Has Covid – 19 been a hard year for ASB? 

¨Yes, 3 or 4 things got canceled.¨


What are some goals for this year? 

¨To find some kids to connect with each other after being in quarantine.¨


Do you think anything should get improved at TMS? 

¨We can work on keeping the campus clean, like picking up trash at lunch and keep the bathrooms clean too.¨


What is your favorite thing about ASB? 

¨To work with students that have the same goal as each other.¨


What do you think ASB could improve on?

¨Be an example, not an examiner.  Also, to always show pride.¨


Do you think most, if not all kids should participate in one school event this year?

¨Yes, Of course. Everyone should get involved because it is fun to accomplish things and be together.¨