Ms. Gray, Mrs. Newman, and Mr. Molstre are just a few of the teachers at our school who have taught us how to do things the Bobcat Way. Teacher Appreciation Week was from May 6th to May 10th. This week, we had spirit days, teacher gifts, and more! Also, National Teacher Day was May 7th! Here is an interview with some students about teachers who have inspired and taught them so much!
What teacher has taught you the most?
“Ms. Gray; she has taught me many life lessons.”- Rudy F.
“Ms. Newman”-Evan K.
Which teachers make you the happiest?
“Ms. Stro”-Kloe R.
“Mr. Guzman” -Dj. B.
Who is the teacher you will miss next year?
“Ms. Gray”-Zoey S.
“Mrs. Kruger” -Sam D.
What teacher has inspired you the most?
“Mr. Adras”- Regan A.
“Mr. Aviles” -Christian G.
These teachers are all amazing! These next questions are what some of the chosen teachers shared.
If you could only say one more sentence, what would it be?
“Do it the bobcat way and live with pride”- Mr. Guzman
What keeps you motivated to keep teaching?
“The silliness of children.”- Ms. Gray
Why do you teach the subject you teach?
“It’s a challenge because it has exact answers that need to be proven”- Mrs. Newman
So, try to get a gift for your teacher if you missed this week, they would love anything! Or just wish your teacher a happy Late Teacher Appreciation Week. Did you do anything for that week? Leave a comment!