6 Fun Facts about Yourself
that you didn’t know
Hey you! You probably think you know everything about yourself like what hair type you have or what shoe size you have but what if we can tell you more than you think? What if we can tell you even the smallest things that lurk outside of you? Maybe we can even tell you things that your brain has just blocked out. Well, here are 6 Fun facts you’ve never known!
Fact 1:Regenerating Skin
You probably already know the basic stuff like that your skin is made up of up to 60% water but there are some other facts you most likely didn’t know. One very interesting fact is that your skin regenerates. That’s right! You haven’t had the same skin on you your whole life. For example, it takes around fourteen days for a baby’s skin to renew, around twenty-eight for teens, middle-aged people can take up to 28-42 days, and finally, anyone fifty years and older can take eighty-four days.
Fact 2:Your Brain Doesn’t Sleep
We already can tell how active your brain is during the day thinking about how to solve a math problem or what to eat for lunch but what does it do when you fall asleep? Well, your brian is actually wide awake, more awake than during the day. At night it processes all the information that you took in during the day. Your brain also goes through two sleep cycles. One is slow-wave sleep (SWS) and the other is rapid eye movement (REM). SWS is a time where there are slow brain waves and your body’s breathing is slow and calm. REM is after SWS and it is when the brain becomes very active including your heart rate and your breathing.
Fact 3: Your Eyelashes are alive
Wow is probably the only word you can think of when I say that but it’s not a lie. Your eyelashes are in fact alive well in some way here let me explain. Scientists have found out that you have microscopic bugs, that’s why you’ve never seen them before because of how small they are but don’t worry they don’t do any damage to you. These microscopic bugs also known as Eyelash mites have been with you for your whole life. These bugs actually help eat dead skin cells and excess owners, so in some way, they are actually your eyelash’s personal night cleaners.
Fact 4:Your Glowing!
This is a fact that no one expects because there is no way you can easily see but here it is! Did you know that everyone’s body glows!? Well, all organisms glow by producing a small amount of light. This is because chemical reactions in your body are making particles of small faint light that make you glow! Although you can’t tell, it is strongest later in the afternoon. So, next time someone says you light up the room, take it literally!!
Fact 5: Your ears never stop!
You may think your ears have always been the same size or maybe you thought they stop growing when you do but that’s a lie. Your ears have actually never stopped growing. This happens because your ears are made out of a soft tissue called Cartilage that has the ability to keep growing. This is why when you compare your baby photo to you now you’ll notice your ears have probably doubled or maybe even tripled in size. This isn’t just your ears though your nose is made out of cartilage too and has the same ability to keep growing.
Fact 6: You’re taller than you think!
When you measure yourself you get a precise measurement of how tall you are, but what if I told you you’re actually 1 centimeter taller than you think? You’re probably wondering if this is true. You may have even gone to search this up for yourself but there’s a reasonable explanation to it. This happens because when you are sleeping the cartilage in between your bones expands. This causes you to be a centimeter taller in the morning. Unfortunately, your bones will put pressure and squeeze the cartilage back down when you start moving but don’t worry this doesn’t hurt you it’s what the cartilage is for.
These are just a few of the many facts to know about you. Did you know about all of these? Leave a comment.
Darya Stern • Feb 4, 2025 at 8:50 pm
Fun fact: It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter
Luv this article!!!
Olivia • Jan 24, 2024 at 2:10 pm
This is crazy! I knew about the eyelash mites but I never knew that our bodies glow, or that our bodies grow a whole centimeter while we sleep! so cool. Good Job April and Addyson!!