Recently, a remarkable event occurred off the coast of Japan that captured the world’s attention. An underwater volcano erupted, leading to the creation of a brand-new island. This once-in-a-lifetime occurrence provided scientists and observers with a unique opportunity to witness the birth of a fascinating tiny island that will amaze the world. The unnamed undersea volcano, located approximately half a mile off the southern coast of Iwo Jima (which is also known as Ioto in Japan) started its latest series of eruptions on October 21st. Keep reading to find out more information about the eruption and this new island!
How do Islands Form?
As the Earth’s crustal tectonic plates slowly move over hot spots in the mantle, molten rock material from deep within the Earth rises towards the surface and eventually erupts to form a volcanic structure. These structures can take on various forms, ranging from a towering volcano on the mainland to a submerged seamount in the ocean, or even a volcanic island rising from the waters. The volcanic activity that results from this movement of tectonic plates can have significant impacts on the surrounding environment and can even pose a threat to nearby communities.
Is this Island Permanent?
Unfortunately, if you are planning to take a peek at this island, you should rethink your visit. According to scientists, this island may not last due to multiple factors. The structure in question is highly fragile due to its composition, which has been described as “crumbly” by Usui. This makes it particularly susceptible to erosion by the relentless force of ocean waves. While this may be tragic news for folks who love a good mystery, photos and news articles on it are all over the internet!
In conclusion, this new and mysterious island gives a great study on how volcanos work, and also provides us, the audience, with an amazing experience for the whole world. You can learn more about this beautiful island in the articles below:
New island forms in Japan after undersea volcano erupts but experts warn it may not last long
An Undersea Volcano Is Building a New Island in Japan
New Island Emerges Off Japan After Powerful Underwater Volcano Eruption NATURE 09 N
Cara Franks • Dec 18, 2024 at 10:38 am
Jurnee Joseph • Oct 4, 2024 at 1:08 pm