Ways To Stay On Track For NEXT YEAR!

Henry Serge and Natalie Ward

Spending two months out of school can be very exciting but along with the fun of summer comes forgetting some things from the previous school year. So, if you need help keeping on track for next year, here are a couple of ways to do just that!







Reading builds connections in the brain, improves memory, and concentration, and could even help you live longer. Reading also can help with your imagination because it helps create vivid imagery in your mind. Many researchers have found that it’s automatic for your mind to create an image so your brain can understand what is going on in a better way. Reading is also super easy, and fun, and can even be free if you visit the library.


Working out







Working out has been proven to help learning and concentration. Just 20 minutes of physical activity can help you learn as well as just feel good. The reason this happens is because when you work out your mind and body relax and the blood flows. The flow of blood keeps you healthy and ready. Working out can also improve your mood and energy levels which would be great for when you go back to school so you can wake up easier and have a better time in school!









Math and strategy games online or in person Games like chess and can help you stay on track. Math challenges your mind so it is like your mind is working out. You can use Khan Academy which will help you learn math skills and help you with maps you’re already learning.







Cooking helps you learn to measurements and how to make a great meal. Cooking can also help join people together which could also improve your social skills! If you like food, people, and math you should cook.

So if you want to stay on track for next year, whether that’s 7th, 8th, or 9th grade maybe try one of these hacks to keep yourself on track! Which one seemed the most useful? Leave a comment!
