Are Diet Sodas Really better?
Have you ever opened a crisp can of diet soda and wondered why it tastes like that? To some people, it tastes more sour. To some, slightly bitter. Many people believe that diet sodas are better but are they truly? Keep reading to find out.
First of all, most sodas in general consist of a lot of sugar and additives. That is why one diet soda often is so high in calories. However, diet sodas often have zero calories because it is mainly just water, additives, and air. Because of how little sugar there is in there, they often taste slightly off. In order to avoid that, they often have a lot more additives and flavors to still make it taste good. Even though the calories are low, they may have more substance than a regular soda.
Second, diet sodas are shown to increase the rate of obesity. Many people think they can drink as many diet sodas as possible and they’ll be fine because it is so low in calories. However, sometimes, it may be worse as opposed to people who just drink regular sodas every once in a while.
The next reason kind of goes off the last one but diet sodas aren’t as satisfying as regular sodas. Or at least for most people. If you enjoy the diet sodas better, that’s great but if you don’t, it’s better to have the regular soda. If you aren’t satisfied with the soda you’re having, you might want to drink more of it and end up drinking several cans to satisfy this.
In conclusion, many people believe diet sodas are healthier but in reality, they are not. We should focus more on eating and drinking everything in moderation. We should include everything we want to eat in a balanced diet. The next time you think about drinking a diet soda instead of a regular soda because you think it’s healthier, remember this.